The shed was fully engulfed and led to a secondary grass fire outside the yard
On June 20, 2023, at approximately 12:33 p.m. Central Arizona Fire and Medical Authority (CAFMA) and Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office responded to a reported shed fire with exposures in the area of North Gambel’s Ridge Drive and Road 5 North in Chino Valley, Arizona. First-arriving crews discovered not only a wood shed that was fully engulfed in
flames, but a secondary grass fire as well.
The wind was high, so while the shed fire was mostly contained by a backyard wall, flames had made their way over and into the grass below. Firefighters controlled and extinguished both fires, protecting nearby structures.
One community member inhaled smoke but refused medical assessment; there were no other reported injuries. Earlier in the day, the property owner had burned weeds in another area of the yard. It is believed that an ember travelled from that earlier burn to the shed, smoldering until it grew to a full shed fire.
Fire Prevention Tips:
Remain aware of weather and drought conditions.
Familiarize yourself with your area’s burning rules and guidelines.
Don’t burn, weld, or grind on Red Flag Warning days.
Keep a shovel and water supply nearby when burning, welding, grinding, or using
tools that could cause sparks.
Fully extinguish all fires and properly dispose of any ashes.
Properly dispose of cigarette butts.
Secure tow chains and carry a shovel and fire extinguisher secured in your vehicle.
Call 9-1-1 immediately if you see unusual smoke or flames.
Yavapai County residents can go HERE for weather information.
The Central Arizona Fire and Medical Authority (CAFMA) provides all hazards emergency response for 369 square miles of Yavapai County, Arizona, including the towns of Prescott Valley, Chino Valley, Dewey-Humboldt, areas of Paulden, and outlying areas of Prescot