April 18, 2024 11:09 AM

Arizona Today with Rep. Mark Finchem

Dr. Lyle Rapacki interviews Arizona Representative Mark Finchem who has announced his intention to run for Arizona Secretary of State in 2022.


3 Responses

  1. Those in my circle of friends that have studied the US Constitution and State Constitutions found That none of the States have ever created a constitution that was Republican in form and certified being compliant with the requirement in Article IV of the US Constitution.

    Will the Arizona Senate consider doing to to repair that breach? If so you could be writing the template for other States to follow and at the same time place the RINOs and Democrat impersonators in their proper place.

  2. The people must Organize The people have the power under the constitution. We must fight back. The constitution is the People’s law

  3. Dear Lyle Rapacki,
    Your comments and the interviews with your guests are impressive. Sometimes I compare what is happening in Arizona with the story of David with Goliath. It seems almost impossible for the legislature to really evaluate and investigate the ballots and the election process. I can imagine that many other states in the US very carefully follow what you are doing in Arizona. I hope for you in Arizona that the investigation to be performed in about 10 days will result in a real insight what happened during the elections.
    I saw all the hearings with the team of mr Giuliani in different states and was surprised that so many people were prepared to tell under oath what they witnessed.
    Rep. Mark Finchem made a valuable remark about the difference in incompetence and fraud. In the Netheralnds never has been reported hwhat is happening in Arizona. I only hear the GOP tries to suppress the voting process in the US.
    A couple of weeks ago we had our elections. Every voter must identify him- or herself, no one will have any discussion of identification here. But discussing the election in the US voting without identification is accepted as “normal”. The lack of logic is obvious.
    I´m very curious about the results of the investigation
    and wish you all the wisdom needed.
    Johan Leusink

    .I wish you and all the people involved in the investigation wisdom and

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