“When you don’t take a stand against corruption you tacitly support it.” Kamal Haasan
When asked if he planned to get revenge against all those who persecuted him since he announced he was running for president in 2015, Donald Trump stated that the best revenge was success. While I don’t necessarily dispute that premise, I believe it is incumbent upon President Trump to expose all of the illegal, unconstitutional and corrupt actions of the Obama/Biden administrations.
Naturally, the left, the media and the Democrats are quivering in fear that Trump will use the power of the federal government to prosecute them, like they did to him. A full scale criminal prosecution of all of the violations of law, of oaths of office and/or transgressions of the Constitutional Amendments would give the appearance that the United States is a third world country that pursues political opponents through criminal courts after every election. Some of the acts of the leftists are so egregious that they should wind up in criminal court. A good start would be the trial of former CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper for the perjury they committed when testifying before Congress.
What would be the most effective way to expose the corruption, fraud and lies of the Obama/Biden Administrations and the left wing media? Some might suggest a Congressional Committee to investigate and compile a report. Others might want to have a massive presidential press conference with a PowerPoint presentation of all the “conspiracy theories” that have been proved to be true. Either way, or whatever other option is derived, the results need to be spread on the internet. The mainstream, legacy media has been intricate co-conspirators, so it is questionable that they would do anything but ignore any expose’ of the malfeasance of which they were a part.
The scope of the transgressions of the Obama/Biden administrations, the media, and their followers in the deep state bureaucracies, is so broad that one, all encompassing video exposure would take days. Written reports would take volumes. Ideally, these revelations would have to take place incrementally. They could be done chronologically starting with the Obama presidency or in order of the damage done to freedom, truth, the rule of law, or the Constitution.
For instance, a good starting point might be the lies Obama told about the Affordable Care Act, (Obama Care), when he told us that we could keep our own insurance and doctors. Another episode could show how the Obama Administration violated the Constitution by electronically surveilling a reporter who was uncomplimentary of their policies and the weaponizing of the IRS in denying or delaying tax exempt status to right wing organizations before an election.
Several installments could be dedicated to showing the crimes of influence peddling that Biden committed as Vice President and the corruption that continued after he became President. Some episodes could show the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal and the effects the open borders have had on our cities, crime and our citizens. There is so much more.
There are so many crimes that Joe Biden and his family and friends could prosecuted for, that are or will be negated by presidential pardons, that it is staggering. That doesn’t mean that they should be ignored or forgotten. The point is that the crimes, incompetencies and unethical conduct of all of our politicians and the co-conspiring press, need to be publically exposed and widely distributed so that an educated electorate will not vote in these liars, crooks and cheats again. Similarly, the legacy press and their so-called reporters who promoted the lies, ignored critical news stories, and covered up so many things, including the state of Joe Biden’s dementia, that the news media requires its own series of videos and stories showing how they deceived their readers and viewers. Even though they have lost so much credibility with the public, rehabilitation of the media would be near impossible without the removal of those who promoted indoctrination over their duty to inform. Truth matters.
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3 thoughts on “Exposing Corruption, Fraud and Lies – Buz Blog”
Brilliant review of Democrat leadership and the imbedded cooperation of senior staff in the permanent bureaucracy. While revenge is a natural reaction; President Trump sees it as a costly-time consuming event. Rather let a thriving economy and vastly improved world events be the best display of American exceptionalism. Thanks, Buz!
“The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.”
~ H.L. Mencken
One point that should be driven home is that politicians lie to us. All the time. They’re good at it. That is why they are politicians. This is not illegal; it is part of their first amendment right guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution. People just need to be suspicious of every single word that comes out of the mouths of politicians and the flunkies that work for them.
When it comes to democrat politicians they have powerful allies in the lamestream media which is, in fact, the propaganda arm of the democrat party. These biased so-called “journalists” echo and help reinforce dishonest rhetoric coming from their team. Again, a healthy level of mistrust of these news sources by the public would be a good thing.
Regardless of political affiliation, people need to be skeptical of claims and promises made by all politicians as well as all media sources. Just keep in mind that politicians have lied to us in the past, they still lie to us today, and they will continue lying to us in the future.
It is up to all of us to follow what God commands us to do, “An eye for an eye”. If we don’t do it then God will.
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