‘Good Samaritan’ bill aims to allow cleanup of abandoned, leaking mines – Cronkite News
Arizona could have as many as 100,000 abandoned mines, many leaching toxic minerals into the state’s waterways, but state environmental officials
Arizona could have as many as 100,000 abandoned mines, many leaching toxic minerals into the state’s waterways, but state environmental officials
The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality helped ID Prescott’s pollutant, now the city has to get rid of it Most of
When the Supreme Court ruled this summer that the EPA could not force power plants to move away from fossil fuels,
The City of Prescott tests its drinking water supply regularly to ensure that it meets all drinking water quality standards. Recent
The Supreme Court ruling limiting the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants could have far-reaching
The University Park neighborhood of Los Angeles has a lot in common with urban areas across the U.S.: A dense population
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