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January 20, 2025 11:37 am
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Political Blasphemy – Buz Blog

Religious wars are not caused by the fact that there is more than one religion, but by the spirit of intolerance… the spread of which can only be regarded as the total eclipse of human reason.” – Montesquieu

For several years now, academics, pundits, historians and philosophers have contended that religion is in the very essence of human need. Even the earliest civilizations have had their gods, temples and religious ceremonies. There is an innate need in human beings for faith, to worship, praise and adore something greater than ourselves. But when that need is supposedly denied, by atheists and agnostics, what happens? That natural human yearning moves in a different direction.

That direction is, more often than not, in the direction of ideology in politics. When that happens, politics become contentious to the point of irreconcilable division. This is the situation our country has found itself in since late in the George W. Bush administration. When political ideology becomes a religious faith, debate and discussions become suppressed.

In religion, when some idea is declared heresy, argumentation ends and those that continue to espouse that idea are declared “heretics”. What might be called Political heresy, has been occurring in the US for at least the last fifteen or more years. There are an almost unlimited number of issues that have become articles of faith for the leftist Democrats and those in their fawning media. If one contradicts one of these illogical ideological, ideological, unscientific ideas, that person is declared the leftist equivalent of a heretic and further debate or discussion cease.

There are two reasons for this. One is that any audience hearing a debate would see that the left’s arguments make no sense. The second reason, is that whatever idea the left is promoting is an article of faith to them, however seemingly illogical, unscientific, or just plain stupid. They take it as a fact of their political religion, and they think everyone else should too. End of discussion.

If someone points out that the 1619 theory of history is not based on fact but distorted opinion, that someone is dubbed a white supremacist and racist, in other words, a heretic. No reason to debate a racist. If a person brings up the fact that DEI and CRT cause division in a society, cause a loss of productivity in companies that implement these theories, and separate students and/or employees into opposing groups of oppressors and oppressed, that person is declared a racist. Again, no debate or discussion.

If a medical doctor, psychiatrist or psychologist addresses the many devastating problems caused by the so-called “sexual transitioning” of children, those experts are identified by the woke as anti-trans or transphobic. That same epithet is given to girls and women who don’t want to compete with biological men in female sports or share restrooms and locker rooms with them.

The reality is, that those on the left end of the political spectrum, who are true believers, hate those with opposite views. The hate is caused, not by a disagreement on any of these particular issues, but by the fact that those who oppose the left’s strongly held political/religious doctrines have committed political blasphemy.


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