February 10, 2025 4:43 pm
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Pride Should Be Earned – Buz Blog

Photo: The Glendora High School Band in the All Western Band Review

The truest characters of ignorance are vanity and pride and arrogance.” – Samuel Butler

A small group of retired police officers and employees from the Long Beach, California Police Department, meets once a year in Tombstone, Arizona. After dinner each night we sit around, moderately imbibing in adult beverages, telling stories of our years working in that city by the sea. Some of us mentioned the difference of the city we all worked decades in, and the changes it has gone through since we started. Some of us started in the late 1960s, or in the 1970s and 1980s.

Many of us remembered that once a year, our city hosted the All Western Band Review. This was a competition and parade of high school marching bands throughout the state. It was held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. The last All Western Band Review was held in 1983. Oddly enough, the first Long Beach Gay Pride Parade started in May of 1983.

The All Western Band Review featured high school students who worked countless hours learning to play a musical instrument. Then they had to learn several different tunes and finally they had to acquire the agility to play those songs while marching in unison with other band members. They often marched in intricate patterns that must have taken months of devoted practice to qualify to get into this parade. That commitment, hard work and dedication certainly is something those participants should be proud of.

On the other hand, the Gay Pride Parade and festival doesn’t celebrate any accomplishment, only status. It is akin to being proud to be alive. If it celebrates anything, it is one’s sexual preference or one’s deviance. What achievement, skill or ability does one get by being gay or a sadomasochist? What is there to be proud of, just being a member of this group?

The All Western Band Review was a wholesome, entertaining display of skill and hard work. The Long Beach Gay Pride Parade is a show of what some public parades have eroded into. That’s not to say it can’t be entertaining. Deviancy often is, in a macabre sort of way. Still I would rather see and hear a marching band, than watch a man dressed in a black leather vest and pants pulling some other shirtless man by his dog collar and leash.

I am proud to be an American in Prescott. Our country has attained a lot. We have defeated many evils since our country was born. Until recently, we have maintained the rule of law and, for the most part, preserved our Constitutional Republic. I am proud that Prescott has wholesome, family parades like our Christmas parades, Children’s Parade, Veterans Day Parade and the Frontier Day Parade. These parades promote the heritage of our Judaeo-Christian culture and our ancestors who started and conserved the greatest country the world has ever seen. It is so uplifting to be living in such a community that values our history and heritage.


1 thought on “Pride Should Be Earned – Buz Blog”

  1. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! And let us keep it that way. We have seen corruption creep into our public domain but with alert citizens we have read of the exposure at least in the Prescott E News. Our local print paper has become more of a place for government to publish their press releases than report public distain for what is going on. Our republic requires our alert attention.

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