On Friday, Governor Hobbs released her FY 2026 Executive Budget which includes critical funding for the Department of Forestry and Fire Management’s (DFFM) ongoing efforts of protection to Arizona’s people, properties, and natural resources.
Governor Hobbs’ Executive Budget for DFFM includes a 15% pay increase for state wildland firefighters.
“Our wildland firefighters are a critical resource to this agency and to the state of Arizona. They put their lives on the line every single time they lace up their boots. They can work 16 hours a day on the fireline for weeks at a time to protect all of us, our properties, and Arizona’s critical resources. We need to support them for their hard work and sacrifices and this is one way we can show them our appreciation,” said DFFM Director Thomas Torres.
The Executive Budget also includes additional funding for the agency’s wildfire suppression budget. The one-time $30 million payment stems from the General Fund to bolster the agency’s budget to assist with wildfire suppression. Costs associated with wildfire suppression continue to rise across the country. Warmer and drier conditions are prolonging Arizona’s wildfire season. Fires are lasting longer and necessitating more support from incident management teams.
The proposed budget needs Legislative approval before it can be finalized.
1 thought on “Gov. Hobbs’ Executive Budget Proposal Supports Raises for Wildland Firefighters and Funds Suppression Efforts –”
No question all goods and services cost 20-30 % more than when President Trump left office January 20, 2021. We felt it at the grocery and gas station even getting a haircut but protection from crime and fire deserve to go beyond just “keeping up”. We will never forget the 19 wildlands firemen lost to a raging fire.
Our taxes go up to support the best qualified, trained and equipment ready police force and fire fighters-paramedics. Above all others, this must be the priority. We, today, only need to watch what happened in the Los Angeles area to be reminded.
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