February 6, 2025 4:33 pm
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What is “The Deep State”? – Buz Blog

The Deep State is not some formless, concealed entity that controls all of our government, industry and culture, although it does have way too much influence in all of those areas. It is not so much hidden as it is unseen in plain sight. It consists of mundane government bureaucracies, huge business conglomerates of all types and nongovernmental organizations that we see, hear and read about everyday. Individually, they don’t seem to be dangerous, but they are. Together they pose a threat to our liberty and our Constitutional Republic.

Americans probably first became aware of the deep state like development when President Dwight Eisenhower gave his farewell address in January of 1961. In that speech, Eisenhower warned that “we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.”

One has to wonder, if our leaders were aware of Eisenhower’s warning, why would they get us involved in decades long “wars” in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, that were never declared by Congress and that we never intended to win. Although Congress has, in those conflicts, authorized a “use of force”, that is not the same as a declaration of war. If a military conflict isn’t worth winning, if it isn’t worth our elected representatives going on the record voting to declare war, it isn’t worth sacrificing our warriors’ lives and our treasure.

The military-industrial complex is just the tip of the iceberg. Many of the federal bureaus are a threat to our Constitution and the rights it affords us. Congress has given some federal agencies broad administrative power. We elect our Senators and Representatives, but the bureaucrats are not elected and even though our taxes pay their salaries, they don’t answer to us. The Administrative powers given some of these agencies and bureaus allows them to make rules and regulations. If you violate these, what are in essence laws, you can be fined, sued and in some cases jailed. Yet no elected legislators voted for theses regulations, and no elected executive signed them into law.

Federal law enforcement has become part of the deep state. It never seemed to be that way until the Obama Administration. In the 1980s, the ABSCAM sting conducted by the FBI arrested and convicted a US Senator, (Democrat) and six Congressmen, (five Democrats and one Republican) for accepting bribes from agents posing as rich Arabs. Compare that to what FBI Director James Comey did in 2016. After spelling out all of the felonies Hillary Clinton committed by destroying all of her emails on non-secured devices while she was Secretary of State, he essentially cleared her by saying, “no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

When Obama was in office, Lois Lerner, in the IRS, denied or slow walked conservative nonprofit organizations applications for tax exempt status. The effect of this was to greatly diminish the money conservative candidates were able to raise for their campaigns. In these and many other cases, it is apparent to all but the most obtuse observers, that the mainstream, corporate press backs up whatever the leftist deep state is pushing.

There are so many more examples, but the point is that the deep state is an established group of unelected government bureaucrats, military leaders, multinational businesses and federal law enforcement executives who push their progressive, leftist agenda and quite often thwart attempts by the people and their elected officials to do anything that might threaten their status and power.


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