The month of June has been declared LGBT Pride Month. October is listed as LGBT History Month and November is proclaimed as Trans Awareness Month. How did these months become a 30 day celebration of one group’s sexual preference or another group’s mental dysfunction? Like a lot of other political moves that generally lack popular support, they are carried out by decree rather than a democratic vote.
In 1999, President Bill Clinton declared that every June in America would be “Gay and Lesbian Pride Month,” in recognition of the 30th anniversary of the Stonewall gay riots in 1969. In 2011, President Obama expanded this “officially” recognized Pride Month to include bisexuals and transsexuals. One can only wonder when the tolerant Uniparty wokesters will want to add a “P” for pedophile to this alphabet menagerie. In 1994, a gay Missouri high school teacher started LGBT history month in October of that year. Research does not show that this month is recognized by the federal or any state governments, although the US State Department seems to approve of it.
The transgender community has designated November as Transgender Awareness Month. From a cursory investigation, it appears that this group first decided that November 20 would be Transgender Day. Then they came up with the idea that a week prior to the 20th would be Transgender week. What the heck, why not have a whole month? With all of the woke, corporate media propaganda, with many of the largest retail stores pushing LGBTQ+ products, and sports franchises celebrating LGBTQ+ days, one wonders who is not aware of these groups?
So what are these groups so proud of? It is hard to come to any other conclusion but that they are most proud of the most ridiculous, obscene, exhibitionist members of their community. If anyone has had the misfortune to observe a gay parade, they will know that this is true. It is a bacchanalian binge of the most obscene, garish and over the top activities and costumes, or lack thereof. These events are not a showing of the contributions gay people have made to the betterment of their community or the community at large. Many gay men and women condemn these events, stating that they don’t represent them. What the extremist fringe group represents is a subset of their most outrageous members.
If we are going to have a month for any group, it should be for the men and women who have protected our country in war or on our streets. We should take pride in the achievements of our veterans and first responders, police, firefighters and paramedics. We should celebrate the volunteers who respond to help the victims of hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes. In those groups, there are people of all races and persuasions.
The hard reality is that nobody should take pride in their mere existence or their racial or sexual status. Pride should only be taken in accomplishments. To do otherwise is a furtherance of the divisiveness that causes a society to descend into tribalism.
1 thought on “Pride In What? – Buz Blog”
Thank you for stating the truth.
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