Any true democracy guarantees certain rights and freedoms that a few other countries might not, the most important being the freedom of speech. One of the most fundamental rights in the U.S. Constitution is the First Amendment which protects the right to speech. It guarantees equal opportunity for people of all backgrounds to speak their minds without government interference, enabling them to voice their troubled thoughts. It helps people hold public figures accountable by indulging in debates covering critical viewpoints on politics, education, and much more.
Those hoping to learn more about the pivotal importance of this fundamental right will find the following information enlightening.
What does the First Amendment protect?
Freedom of speech is a fundamental right written in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Under the protection of the law, you have the right not to speak should you wish. This means that you have a constitutionally protected right to express yourself freely without government interference, as long as what you say is not illegal, such as slander or inciting violence. Note that the right does not cover things such as inciting lawless action and promoting the use of illicit substances in school-sponsored programs.
- It holds the government accountable
By speaking and expressing themselves freely, citizens can participate in government by sharing their opinions, beliefs, and knowledge directly with lawmakers. It encourages political figures to hold open discussions with people and give an account of their actions. With this freedom, it would be easier for people to make their voices heard on matters that concern them. Free speech also ensures that no one is punished for saying things others disagree with or find offensive.
- It enables marginalized groups to express themselves
Freedom of speech allows marginalized groups to express themselves openly about issues that matter to them without fear of societal retaliation. For example, an indigenous person might want to discuss how their culture has been appropriated by non-indigenous people who have used it as a fashion statement or decoration. That person could speak about how hurtful it is for them when this happens and explain how cultural appropriation has led to discrimination against indigenous people in their region.
In other words, this crucial fundamental right allows everyone to be heard in ways that would not otherwise happen. Consequently, it can lead to freedom of research based on science, technology, and more, making society grow.
What can you do?
An essential action you can consider as a citizen is providing financial assistance to a renowned foundation, enabling them to help organizations like the ACLU and Free Press that work tirelessly to protect the right to speech. Typically, foundations over fifty years old have a reputation and fund those fighting to defend civil liberties. For instance, they support organizations that protect student rights, drug policy entities that promote a sensible regulation of marijuana use, and organizations that intervene in the lives of kids who have been abused.
Moreover, these foundations can give you access to interviews of famous personalities who have faced arrests and other legal trouble due to their speech in the past. It gives you a greater insight into this ever-debatable issue. Lastly, you can also speak up on social media about why free speech is vital for democracy and what you feel people can do to protect it.