February 6, 2025 3:35 pm
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Chino Valley announces re-opening process

The Town of Chino Valley announced that effective Monday, March 1, 2021, many Town services and lobbies will re-open to the public. While COVID-19 metrics are improving, certain restrictions will remain in place until further notice.

“It has been a very long and strenuous year, not just for Chino Valley, but for the entire country,” said Mayor Jack Miller. “We want to extend our services and options to the public and return to ‘normal’ as soon as possible, while keeping the public and our staff safe. We can do that, but we need everyone’s patience and cooperation to get there.”

Town staff has worked hard to provide the best possible service during the pandemic and have been encouraged by the cooperation and support from the community.

The public is encouraged to continue using online and telephone service options when possible.

“Our goal is to provide the highest level of service while protecting the health and safety of our community and staff,” said Cindy Blackmore, Town Manager. “But we want to remind everyone that COVID-19 concerns are still with us, so we will continue to observe CDC guidelines.”

Those guidelines include but are not limited to the wearing of face coverings, social distancing, limiting occupancy, frequent hand washing, and continued building sanitization. These guidelines will be in place until further notice.

Beginning Monday March 1, 2021, the following changes will take place:

  • Town Hall will re-open to the public, admittance to the lobby will be limited to four visitors at a time. Town Council, Planning and Zoning, and other public meetings will be limited to 25 audience members.

These meetings will continue to be live streamed on social media and accessible via electronic attendance.

Please call 928-636-2646 for more information.

  • The Town Library will re-open with occupancy limits of 15 visitors at a time and a 30-minute time limit on public computers. Computer workstations will also be limited and on a “first come-first serve” basis. No computer assistance will be available with social distancing.

Face coverings will be required, social distancing guidelines will be observed, and Community Room reservations will be unavailable until further notice.

Drop box and curbside service will be available upon request. Please call 928-636-2687 for more information.

  • The Senior Center, which has been providing take-out meals without interruption during the pandemic, will return with a “soft open” from the hours of 10:00 am through 2:00 pm Monday through Friday for lunch service. No other recreational activities will be allowed at this time.

Participants are encouraged to continue to utilize the “take-out’ meal service if possible but dining room seating will be provided for those who require it with a 50-person limit. Please call 928-636-9114 for more information.

  • The Chino Valley Police Department will re-open its lobby for walk in visitors, but due to the size of the lobby and social distancing guidelines, only one visitor at a time will be allowed. Please call 928-636-1972 (opt 2) for more information.
  • The Public Works and Development Services building will re-open with a 4–6-person limit in the lobby. Please call 928-636-4427 for more information.
  • Information on Recreation Department programs, including use of ball fields and the Aquatic Center will be provided as soon as possible.

We encourage all to visit the Town web site at www.chinoaz.net and follow our social media outlets for the most accurate and up to date information, including additional department specific contact numbers and direct email addresses.


3 thoughts on “Chino Valley announces re-opening process”

  1. So in reality NOTHING HAS CHANGED! Still the same old COMPLIANCE rhetoric. No NORMALCY here in Chino Valley!

    1. Lucy’s Bar was closed for a liquor license violation, according to the sign on the door.

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