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November 10, 2024 2:50 am
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Arizona Forensic Audit Update

In this edition of Arizona Today, Dr. Lyle discusses what has been happening with the forensic audit of the Maricopa County ballots (the actual paper ballots, not copies) and voting machines, the recall of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, and reads some of the letters he has been getting from viewers.

YouTube video


58 thoughts on “Arizona Forensic Audit Update”

  1. I am so grateful that you won the right to use a third party forensic auditor and not the 2’s and 2’s of companies certified by the EAC.

      1. This is a Forensic audit by an independent contractor not one that is certified by the board of commissioners…

  2. Lyle, you are a great example of the Arizona patriot that made your state what is was and should be. I live two miles east of the Arizona state line…Virden, NM. But my heart is with Arizona and I am also a member of the Arizona Defense League. I have a daughter and three grand kids who recently moved from Chicago to Eastern Arizona.

    I would like to help you out with your cause. Please give me an address so that I can contribute.
    God bless you and Arizona and the USA. Bob Stille, U.S. Border Patrol Supervisory Agent in Charge (retired) 312 Gila Ave, Virden, NM 88045 575-359-4567

    1. I’m in agreement Robert and need the address to send a contribution. After grieving for my country since the fraudulent election, I see hope. I pray for these wonderful Arizona citizens who are fed up.

      1. Dr. Lyle’s address is:

        Prescott eNews
        P.O. Box 2825
        Prescott, AZ  86302

        If you are writing a check, please make the check out to Lyle Rapacki.

  3. Following the forensic audit from Australia- Trying not to lose faith in ensuring an outcome for a fair and honest election.
    Cannot believe that at every turn, despite mounting evidence from the onset that the American people have been let down by the justice system, the elected officials, big tech and the main stream media. Our eyes are now all opened. We are praying that all those evil forces working against the American constitution and the people are brought to Justice!

  4. My friend and coworker sent me your video tonight and I’m sitting here watching it.
    Thank you so much for everything you do.
    Could you please email me the address? I would like to make a donation. Thank you
    God bless you

  5. Thank you for the update. Thank you very much for your hard work and persistence. I also appreciate the work of the Arizona State senate.

  6. Very pleased to see what is happening in this evaluation (from Essex UK) i’ve been amazed that it had to get to this, whatever happened to honesty? my aunt moved to Prescotte as a GI bride in 1946, i think she would be amazed at this whole turn of events – remember righteousness exalts a notion, but sin is a reproach to any people (proverbs) still true today as 3000 years ago when first written

  7. A HUGE “THANK YOU!”, to Dr. Rapaki and his team for their hard work and dedication. You are true patriots of the UNITED States. I suspect the dirty scoundrels are shaking in their boots waiting for the Maricopa audit result. I wonder how the National Guard lingering in D.C. till March fits in?

  8. Thanks for your valor! Keep up the tremendous project! We are counting on you all to stick it out all the way to the end of the road, identifying and inaugurating in the true POTUS, I hope.

  9. I live in Las Vegas but have been following your efforts to reveal voter fraud. I have no doubt it occurred, why else would they want to silence our voices. If everything was on the up-and-up, they would have no fear. I want to support your cause, can you provide a mailing address to send a donation and request a copy of “Our Forefathers Truly Appealed to Heaven”. I refuse to buy from Amazon.

    1. Dr. Lyle’s address:

      Prescott eNews
      P.O. Box 2825
      Prescott, AZ  86302

      If you are writing a check, please make the check out to Lyle Rapacki.

  10. Thank you so much for doing what many would like to do. It is very hard to accept what has happened in this last election and what our beautiful country is becoming. Have been saying many rosaries for the past years and especially this year for our country and all the good people in it.

  11. My friend who recently moved from AZ to IN sent me one of your video’s. I was so impressed with your work and will keep up to date with you Dr. Lyle Rapacki. I will also buy your book & donate some money to this cause. We live 100 miles east of Tucson in the boonies. Thank You very much we were wondering how GOD would answer our prayers regarding the destruction of our wonderful nation.

    1. Dr. Lyle’s address:
      Prescott eNews
      P.O. Box 2825
      Prescott, AZ  86302

      If you are writing a check, please make the check out to Lyle Rapacki.

  12. Thank you for the courage and fortitude to press forward to find the truth behind the election. I was beginning to think their were no more Patrick Henry’s left in our country. My hope is renewed!
    I live in Young az. Can you please let me know where I can send a money donation? How can I donate my time to cause.

  13. Thank you for your patriotism and love for our country and precious Freedoms.

  14. Same pattern of Voting Fraud happened on 4/15/2020 parliamentary election in South Korea. The Koreans have been warning US officials before the US election and unfortunately it happened again.

    In Korean election, with roughly around 50% of the votes (which is probably lower in reality) Moon Jae In’s Democratic Party Won 2/3 of the seats (180 seats out of 300), just by last minute tweaks on pre-voting (mail in) barely enough to beat each of the opponents. All statistics show irregularity and spikes at certain times, and all Dem candidates had a 11~13% advantage from pre-vote mail in voting. In other words, majority of the Democratic candidates lost by huge on election day, but got a boost from mail in voting to turn the result over. We the people pointed it out, just after the announcement of the results, and since then professors like Walter Mebaine examed the stats and called it fraudulent in an official paper.

    They claim the same thing. The machines are safe, not connected to internet but they REFUSE TO SHOW THE MACHINE OR THE BALLOTS. It has been held in court for 10 months now BUT THEY ARE STILL HIDING THE BALLOTS AND THE MACHINE. They hid all of the CCTVs on election day, so we can’t even verify how many people actually voted. They keep the VOTER REGISTRATIONS ELECTRONICALLY on one central file, so NOBODY ON COUNTY LEVEL KNOWS WHO VOTED.

    They have been using ELECTRONIC VOTE COUNTING machines made by MARU systems, which is a company accused for rigging elections in CONGO, IRAQ, DPR and many other third world countries. Everytime there is a request for FORENSIC AUDIT, there is a fire on the ballot and machine stored warehouses and evidence disappear.

    This election rigging is a very well known tactic of CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY and has to be stopped right now. It is such a MASSIVE FRAUD that normal people can’t accept it, so there is a split in between the Conservative party just like in the US. But evidence and just common sense would easily tell you THE VOTE WAS MANIPULATED and the fact that they are AVOIDING FORENSIC AUDIT nails down the conclusion.


  15. Thank you for all your efforts into getting the truth and for sure Arizona will be the real hero when this is all said and done

  16. Thank you so much Dr Lyle God Bless You efforts, for the last few months a small group of us in a small country town in South Australia have been praying for America We know you are a Nation under God and we are joined with you God Bless you .

  17. We need a full KINEMATIC ARTIFACT ANALYSIS of the paper ballots in order to have a proper audit of the election.

  18. please give address where i can mail you a letter, im from delaware and many delaware people dont claim joe biden, i really feel our election was stolen. i have prayed to the lord to reveal the evil people who done this. i was going through my phone and seem your video. thank god for people that will stand up and fight. all i want is to see the truth of our election. if it was rigged they will be doing this again. so im praying for you and many that will come forth and fight and investicate. i need your address thank god for people like you thanks so much i would like to get your book. also could you give me someone that has a good book on socialize countries. my granddaughter in college has been taught about it and seems to think its good for our country. they are brain washing our children. im praying for them we have to stand up for our country, thanks so much

    1. Dr. Lyle’s address:

      Prescott eNews
      P.O. Box 2825
      Prescott, AZ  86302

      If you are writing a check, please make the check out to Lyle Rapacki.

  19. Lyle
    I like what you’re doing. I’m afraid doing a forensic check on the voting machines is futile unless you know they are locked up somewhere and you’re the one with the key. They say you can rig those in 7 min with a screw driver. so they can change them back as fast.
    Just thinking.
    Dave B

  20. What is your address for funding please? Or your Venmo or Zelle account? I would like to support your efforts. God Bless.

    1. Dr. Lyle’s address:

      Prescott eNews
      P.O. Box 2825
      Prescott, AZ  86302

      If you are writing a check, please make the check out to Lyle Rapacki.

  21. Thank you for all you are doing. I want you to know, as a resident of Pinal County in Arizona, that we need more people like you in America. You are like a 2021 Paul Revere and I pray that your efforts to save America succeed. We need a Jovan Pulitzer audit. The resistance you are experiencing and lack of transparency shows that something is not right. Honest people encourage oversight. Again, I cannot thank you enough. I talk to people in the street, although it is a whisper campaign, everyone knows something is not right. You are a champion of the people sir!

  22. I’m from California and can’t thank you enough for what you are doing. You keep saying that 16 states have probable cause and their legislators are watching what AZ is doing. Would you please give the names of the states, if it will not cause them problems?

  23. karen mackean-slaton

    Hi Lyle: Steve and I saw your video yesterday on youtube & would like to contribute to your efforts in Arizona. But there is no information I can find. No email, phone, facebook, or twitter account. So please send us some info so we can get a check to you. And be sure to add it to your site!!! Thank you.

    Steven & Karen MacKean-Slaton
    The Trumped Store
    1041 E. Deuce of Clubs
    Show Low, Az. 85901 602-300-5376

    1. Prescott eNews
      P.O. Box 2825
      Prescott, AZ  86302

      If you are writing a check, please make the check out to Lyle Rapacki.

  24. In light of the most recent development of the Maricopa county supervisor refusal to honor the subpeona issued by the state Senate. The Senate needs to take the action to arrest the board and holt them in contempt

  25. Dear Dr. Rapacki,

    Thank you Dr. Rapacki and Staff for your countless hours of effort in being the spokesperson for this important issue of voter fraud. All the representatives also deserve a warm thank you for representing “We The People” in our ability to have an honest and fair election in this county and in this country. May God Bless each and everyone of you for your efforts. My question/statement is this why does the Maricopa County defense feel that the ballots should be kept private and their statement that the citizens deserve privacy when they vote? This can not be a real defense.? The plaintiffs request is actually no different than the defense. The County of Maricopa has hired an outside firm to conduct their audit. The members of this firm are not employees of Maricopa County so their statement in keeping privacy is mute. The Arizona senate’s audit firm is no different than the County of Maricopa firm they are both outside entities.

    Thank you again for all your efforts.
    Mike G

  26. I’m worried too much time has passed and the machines have been cleaned. Also who picked the audit specialist , why hasn’t there been some kind of transparent look into who’s doing the audit, there experience ,what have the audit in the past ,what are the credentials etc. Just hope they are truly neutral and honest .

  27. Arrest the Criminally Complicit ‘board of supervisors’ and seize the evidence (machines, ballots, tabulators) before they destroy everything. Our Republic is at stake and WE THE PEOPLE are fed up with being abused!

  28. Greetings Dr Lyle!

    Just saw you & your video (sadly on big tech-owned and couldn’t believe what you & others in AZ are trying to do to get to the bottom of the apparent ballot/voter fraud, as well as trying to oust the 5 election officials in adjoining county.

    Will be buying your book as well as making a donation. Bless you Dr Lyle and thanks for being an American Patriot in the true sense!

    Cheers, Bill Willis (Savannah, Ga)

  29. Dr Lyle,

    Imagine my surprise to see you pop up on my Youtube! It has been a few years.

    Thank you for taking up the mantle for this crucial investigation! Godspeed and keep the faith!

    Toby Dunn

  30. Why haven’t they the Senate and Attorney General seized the machines ? We already know what extent they will go to make sure the real truth does not come out. Seize the machines NOW before they are wiped clean . This should happen in every state

  31. Dr Lyle, Sir,

    It would be impossible to explain how grateful I am regarding this difficult task that you, the Senate and others have undertaken. I can tell you that this Audit of the 2020 Election is as important as anything in my 62 years on this Earth. Why? “If” there is evidence of widespread fraud in this past election, the Country will demand a fair election process moving forward and an Audit of each election should be conducted. If we don’t have fair and free elections, this Country is doomed to fail. I am praying for all of you and pray that this Audit actually takes place.

    Stay Strong and Finish, Cary

  32. We are so thankful you have stepped up to be a voice for the AZ Election Audit. We feel like mushrooms, kept in the dark. We don’t trust the mainstream media and we want to know what’s going on with this.

    We are sending a BIG THANK YOU to Lyle Rapacki AND the State Legislators who have taken this on and are standing firm in what the U.S. Constitution has outlined for us.

    We are praying for a clean audit from reputable auditors and for TRUTH to prevail.

  33. The courts echoed what everyone already knew that the legislature has the power to correct all of this. So why is the legislature still playing with the board ? They have the right to arrest every one of those members and secure all the voting machines for an audit. Why are they continuing to play with people that are committing crimes and breaking he law ????????????????????????????????????

  34. Just read nothing happening another day of BS guess the Senate and Attorney General have no authority and the board of supervisors has all the power God help America

  35. Claude R Armstrong

    Hopefully Lyle reads this?

    What’s to say the election boards involved will destroy the machines and all evidence in some fabricated mishap before any forensic investigators can touch anything?

    What possible chance exists that ultra wealthy, hate America mongers are right now in custody of the entire evidence?

    How can We the People even begin to trust this twisted big tech and its ultra wealthy owner oligarchy?

    Who can dismantle it? The Rockefeller empire hit the wall of Congress. Now these thugs run Congress!

  36. Mr. Lyle Rapacki, I believe it is time to start talking to the other 16 states involved with election integrity. Arizona shouldn’t stand alone this battle for truth should be fought on more than 1 front. There must be some legislators that will not bend to fables and lies. You need to gather the ripest of these States where a battle plan can come together towards the same goal. TRUTH

  37. I didn’t vote for Biden or Trump and just want this settled. It will either show nothing happened.. or like in Michigan at least the audit logs will have been deleted. Not sure why this is taking so long. It could be because the auditors don’t have evidence of fraud… but I think someone said that they haven’t even been allowed in yet?? This is the most insane thing I’ve ever witnessed. Who cares about the prior election at this point, this is about every future election going forward.

  38. I feel the same way. There is so much evidence and yet we are told don’t believe there was any voter fraud. I am upset about this and all that has come out with multiple states and can’t believe our government has known this for years but has done nothing except “it is all perfect” “there is no evidence of fraud” , Our government is so absolutely corrupt it is astounding.

  39. Just a thought. It seems the statute says that the jurisdiction goes to the treasurer after certification. They didn’t transfer the ballots. Why don’t we take the position that the jurisdiction transfers automatically upon certification, regardless of the physical location of the ballots. Take the treasurer and demand entry into the location. The Treasuer has the jurisdiction not the board of supervisors. If they obstruct that is misfeasance in office. Just a thought. God Bless. I did practice law for forty years, I am now retired. Just my thoughts.

    1. Please! Get the Forensic Audit done by a team you can trust. Do a back ground check and get the best. Everyone is still looking at ARIZONA to discover if there was a fraud. The people just want to know the truth.

  40. I watch you about every day. You give me hope the truth will come to light and justice will be done. This has been so depressing. Thanks for your patriotism and bravery. Rita fromTennessee

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