February 7, 2025 6:07 pm
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No Jail Now to Protest $86 Million Criminal Complex Proposal for Fiscal Irresponsibility

On Friday, July 17, a protest rally and drive-by rally will be held by No Jail Now, a group of community activists who are protesting the planned construction of a Criminal Complex on 14 acres next to Prescott Lakes Parkway.

The projected initial construction will cost $86 million including debt service according to staff reports, this initial phase includes 144 inmate beds. But completion of project anticipates the inclusion of 600 beds. Conservative estimates for the entire project are close to $200 million.

The Board of Supervisors imposed an increase in its property tax levy by more than 18% with plans to spend $4.3 million each year for the next 20 years just for the initial construction of the 144-bed facility. This does not include staffing, maintenance or retirements.

Many unanswered questions remain on this project– Such as: Why is this financed by a revenue bond instead of a GO bond (that citizens would vote on) – does the Board of Supervisors plan to rent inmate beds out to other jurisdictions? What will the environmental impacts be? What will the heavy water use do to Prescott’s water table? If the Federal Government has demanded this (as stated), why does the Board of Supervisors refuse to provide any documentation to this? Why at this location so near to residences? Why have they not implemented all the diversion programs suggested by their consultant? What are the plans for our existing courthouse?

Why now in the middle of a pandemic and in this time of economic uncertainty?

The protest will take place during what was to be the county’s ribbon-cutting ceremony for the project, which was cancelled.

WHAT: Rally to demand an end to plans to build an $86 Million Criminal Complex and jail facility in Prescott on Prescott Lakes Parkway.

WHERE: In front of the proposed jail at 1100 Prescott Lakes Pkwy, Prescott, AZ 86301.

WHEN: Friday, July 17, 2020 at 8:30 a.m.


3 thoughts on “No Jail Now to Protest $86 Million Criminal Complex Proposal for Fiscal Irresponsibility”

  1. One must look at the motivation behind this movement. Obvious it is not what is stated.

    1. really Neils I doubt that you even know anything about the movement. An 86 million dollar jail is not warranted. Find out about those who are in favor and how it continues the corruption in this town!

  2. This “20 year planned project” stinks of a complete coverup. Most residents thought the Jail was voted down on the ballot, then the Supervisors devised a plan to sneak it thru. Not one resident of Prescott Lakes I have spoken with had any knowledge of the proposed project. Again, most assumed it was voted down in the past ballots. When I moved here 5 years ago, there was no disclosure of this plan and I’ll be within a mile and a half of it. The people who are currently buying right above the area proposed in Astoria have never heard nor had it it disclosed to them. It is obvious to me that people like Niels, do not live near the project. There are plenty of County owned lands not near residential areas and Schools like Basis! Stop the madness!

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