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January 16, 2025 5:40 pm
☼ Prescott eNews ☼

How About Christmas at the Zoo?

Photo: Tulio, the spotted jaguar, enjoys an afternoon of nice warm weather

If you are looking for something to do on Christmas Day, and are wanting to take advantage of our mild temperatures, then a day at our local Zoo might be the perfect thing to do.

Montana, the Bald Eagle

Located at 1403 Heritage Park Road off of Willow Creek across from Embry Riddle University, the Zoo, now known as the Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary, is currently open every day from 10am-4pm, and that includes Christmas Day.

Neona is one of three Mexican Grey Wolf sisters, part of the species survival plan

To make things even more enticing, kids (ages up to 12) will be admitted free from December 23-27, and parking is always FREE!

Camera shy Gus, the resident black bear, on his way back to his studio apartment

Since 1988, the Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary has been operating in Prescott. Deputy Director Raquel Luna Gardner said, “Over the past 35 years our mission has been to give refuge to non-releasable, rescued wildlife while providing conservation through exhibition and public education. As a non-profit we rely on gate admission, events, programs, and fundraising, to provide excellent care to over 200 sanctuary animals and over 400 rescue animals each year.

Oliver, one of the Lemurs, was more than happy to pose for a photo

“We also offer a variety of educational programs to preschoolers, children, teens, and adults including Zoo Littles, Zoo Camp, Zoo Teen Program, & adult Docent program. We also serve local school programs through guided field trips, school outreach presentations, and more. Through all these experiences, children and adults learn an appreciation for local wildlife, local animal habitats and exotic animal care.  Through these relationships we can share sanctuary animal stories and promote environmental conservation and preservation.”

Visitors can enjoy naturally landscaped enclosures and have interactive animal experiences. A Tarantula Grotto is said to be one of the most interesting experiences, along with playground and a covered picnic pavilion.

If after dark suits you, then Wild Lights & Animal Sites at the Zoo is from 6pm-9pm on Friday and Saturday, on December 27, 28 and on January 3 & 4. Admission is $12 with concessions available with hot cocoa, cider and cookies.

You can learn more by calling 928-778-4242 or at their website


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