It is a strange thing. Practically the first thing President Biden did as president was to pull out the U.S. military from Afghanistan. Now, at the end of his term, he has put 100 pairs of boots on the ground to support Israel in its unholy war against pretty much anyone in the Middle East that isn’t Israel.
The public has made relatively little of the development. I guess it has forgotten JFK’s interest in Vietnam, which turned into a mission creep that quickly became an agonizing 10-year defeat to North Vietnam. Fifty thousand dead Americans later, America put its tail between its legs and got the hell out of Saigon. The Americans that weren’t killed in our first lost war returned alive at least.
Less than 20 years later Ronald Reagan sent the Marines into Beirut to save the Holy Land from itself. Our opposition quickly blew up many of those Marines in an explosive-laden assault. I vividly remember a photograph of a concrete American gun emplacement. A U.S. service member had scrawled on the outside of the exterior, “Beam me up, Scotty. There are no signs of intelligent life here!”
Reagan, to his credit, did an about-face and pulled our people out. Something tells me that won’t happen this time.
Biden’s loyalty seems to lean toward Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu. He is risking Americans’ lives because of that misguided loyalty.
Biden has been arming and supplying Israel’s disproportionate and often murderous warfare since the savage Hamas attack a year ago. For months now, he has been blowing smoke that his administration is trying to restrain Israel’s rampage. While he huffs and puffs, he is giving Netanyahu the weapons to kill civilians. All of America is complicit in those deaths. As we will be if those American troops on the ground now are harmed. All of us.
Where do Biden’s loyalties lie? To Netanyahu’s war efforts. Not only has he been giving the warmonger our treasure, but he has no compunction anymore at adding our blood to the effort. His protests of restraint are nothing but whispers on yesterday’s wind.
This supposed gentile man who went through the Vietnam War and Reagan’s Beirut boondoggle as a federal representative should know better. A month or two before the current carnage started, Biden had a rare visit with Netanyahu at the White House. What was said that didn’t come out in the press?
Whatever the results of the bromance between Israel’s warmonger and his supplier, 100 American soldiers are now on the receiving end of the hatred it has created. History does not say good things about where this may be headed. Nor does the complicit and trivial treatment the new policy is being welcomed with by the public.
Call your representatives if those neighbors matter to you.