The Yavapai Sheriff Auxiliary Force will begin their fundraising campaign this week to help offset the out-of-pocket expenses of over 350 volunteers who work with the Yavapai County Jeep Posse, Verde Search & Rescue (SAR), the Yavapai County Search & Rescue Team, and the Volunteers in Protection (“VIPs”).
The Jeep Posse, Verde SAR, and the Yavapai County SAR Team search for lost, stranded or injured persons anywhere in the County. Their members are often first on the scene. Last year alone, search volunteers responded to over 200 search and rescue missions and hundreds of Deputy Assists.
The Volunteers in Protection provide supportive law enforcement activities for YCSO on a daily basis, including but not limited to prisoner transport, property protection, sex offender compliance, Deputy Assists, crime scene management, and cold case investigations. Together, these four all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations directly impact the citizens of Yavapai County and make it an ideal place to live and work.
The following are just a few examples of what our volunteers provide – no matter the day, time or weather:
• Large-scale searches for children & the elderly
• Short-haul helicopter rescues
• Technical rope & swift-water rescues
• Fire, flood, & other disaster evacuations
• K9 & equine-mounted searches
• Patrolling local communities
• Vacation home security checks
• Wildfire observation & reporting
No one is ever charged for these services provided by the YCSO Auxiliary Units. However, the cost to obtain and maintain equipment, communications systems, and training comes out of the pockets of these selfless volunteers, so they need your help to help them keep helping you!
You can make a tax-deductible donation by visiting either the website to donate by credit card using PayPal®, or you may send a check payable to YCSOAF to PO Box 12583, Prescott, Arizona 86304. Just include your name, mailing address and email so we can send you a receipt.