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November 8, 2024 1:01 am
☼ Prescott eNews ☼

PUSD Candidate Brooks Compton Offers School Solutions – Citizens Tax Committee

The Citizens Tax Committee (CTC) has announced they will host PUSD School Governing Board Candidate, Brooks Compton, at their next monthly meeting, Wednesday afternoon, September 14, 2022, 1:30pm at the Rowle P. Simmons Adult Center, 1280 Rosser Street, in Prescott.  Mr. Compton will be joined by Prescott eNews columnist, Buz Williams. The Citizens Tax Committee meets on the second Wednesday of each month.  Their meetings are free and open to the public. An RSVP is not required.

Mr. Compton’s talk will focus on concerns that have surfaced regarding PUSD’s curriculum that has reportedly incorporated elements of critical race theory and woke gender ideology. Mr. Compton became aware of these issues thru his son who has attended Mile High Middle School and Prescott High School. While a student at Mile High Middle School, his son was exposed to materials in a Life Skills class that denigrated the white race,  celebrated black Marxists such as Malcolm X, and referred to white people’s “cultural trash”.  When he was told he could not take the materials home to show his Dad, he photographed them with his cell phone.

Mr. Compton’s experience with anti-white racism at Prescott’s Mile High Middle School led to his decision to run for a seat on the Prescott School District Governing Board.

Mr. Compton’s claim that “my son didn’t know about racism until he was taught racism at Mile High Middle School”  has become a rallying cry for concerned parents in this year’s school board election.  Mr. Compton’s experience  has been the topic of articles by Prescott eNews columnist,  Buz Williams, as well as an opinion  piece,  Breaking Trust, by eNews Publisher, David Stringer.  Two videotaped interviews featuring Mr. Compton and Mr. Williams, that have been featured on the eNews website and widely circulated on social media will be shown. Mr. Compton will also discuss  reports that Prescott High School is allowing  gender neutral bathrooms and that LGBTQ students  are now openly using the facilities of the opposite sex.   Both Mr. Compton  and Mr. Williams will be on hand to take questions from the public.

The Citizens Tax Committee is one of Prescott’s oldest and most venerable civic organizations.  Since its founding in 1977, it has served as a taxpayer advocate, promoting fiscal accountability in local government,  and has been a focal point for opposition to wasteful government spending and excessive debt.  Over the years, a number of local political and civic leaders have been associated with the organization.

Although CTC does not endorse candidates or play a direct role in partisan elections, they have weighed in on local tax and spending issues with high profile voter education programs on ballot initiatives such as school bonds, budget overrides, and funding levels for the Arizona Public Retirement System. More recently, CTC has sponsored nonpartisan candidate forums open to the public.

The Citizens Tax Committee meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 1:30 pm at the Adult Center,  1280 E. Rosser Street,  Prescott, Arizona.  Members of the public interested in hearing Mr. Compton’s story or who have information to share about anti-white racism or woke gender ideology in the public school system are cordially invited to attend.


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