February 6, 2025 3:40 pm
☼ Prescott eNews ☼

Governor Ducey Issues Executive Order To Assess Learning Loss, Ensure Students Stay On Track

Governor Doug Ducey today signed an Executive Order directing the State Board of Education to study student assessment data and identify the learning loss that occurred during the pandemic so students and families can get the support they need.

The issuance of the order followed the Governor’s signing of House Bill (HB) 2402, which ensures students continue to be evaluated and provides flexibility around the state’s school grading system.

“This will ensure we continue to have accountability in our education system, so parents can make the best educational choice for their kids,” the Governor said in a signing letter.

“After all, these are our future leaders and it is incumbent upon us that we ensure they are prepared for success,” he added. “Any future attempts to suspend this grading system will necessitate a much greater level of justification.”

McKinsey & Company estimates that in Fall 2020, students on average started school about three months behind where they were expected to be in mathematics. When it comes to reading, students started school a month and a half behind where they were expected to be.

Today’s Executive Order directs the State Board of Education to utilize AZMerit and AZM2 assessments and other data to draw comparisons to prior years and identify the extent of learning loss that has occurred during the pandemic.

HB2402, introduced by Representative Michelle Udall, will help students get the help they need by continuing to test student educational attainment levels. It also provides flexibility around Arizona’s A-F grading system, recognizing the unique circumstances families and students have faced in the last year. Senator Paul Boyer introduced mirror legislation, SB1178, in the Senate.

View the Governor’s letter HERE.

View the Governor’s Executive Order HERE.


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