The Wuhan Coronavirus continues to burden our nation. While more than 30 million Americans are still collecting unemployment checks, May and June job reports showed that our economy is reopening. However, we still have a long way to go until full economic recovery. In April, President Trump signed an Executive Order temporarily halting certain immigration into our country. I applauded President Trump for this action, but also requested that the White House go further and extend the temporary ban to guest worker visas in areas with high unemployment in order to promote wages and opportunities for American workers. On June 22, the President issued a second immigration order suspending the admission of additional guest workers. This bold action to defend American workers and stand up to the lobbyists and globalists is exactly the kind of leadership we need during this unprecedented crisis. No American should be replaced by a foreign guest worker. I will continue to fight for hard-working Americans seeking opportunities and better wages.
Continuing to Fight for the American Taxpayer
Every year, the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) recognizes members of Congress for their work supporting limited government, economic freedom, and low taxes. I was honored to be one of 48 members of the House who received the Taxpayers’ Friend Award for my low tax voting record in 2019. Since taking office, I have vowed to not raise taxes on the overly taxed American people and continue to work to reduce government spending while curtailing massive waste and fraud within the Federal Government. Democrats address every problem by throwing money at it rather than reducing duplicity and unnecessary burdens. I came to Congress to end this practice of the government funding its failures with the hard-earned money of American workers, and I am honored to receive this award in recognition of my continued fight.
Maintaining Law and Order
As many Americans reemerged from the shutdowns we were greeted with an unpleasant reality. Anarchists, Leftists, and communists were inspiring mob rule and attempting to destroy our communities, history, and change the American way of life. Unfortunately, Democratic state and local lawmakers stood by while ANTIFA and others created autonomous zones, committed blatant crime, and destroyed our public monuments and landmarks. These protests are not about George Floyd or the African American community, they are about a Marxist takeover of America. However, President Trump is the law and order President, and I have been working diligently in Congress to support President Trump and maintain the rule of law. To this end, I have urged the Department of Justice to use all means at its expense to protect these monuments and to investigate and arrest ANTIFA connected criminals. I have also supported the Department of Interior and its Park Police in defending our monuments while prosecuting individuals to the fullest extent of the law. I am also a cosponsor of legislation to add internet communication to the list of platforms prosecutable in inciting riots to address the operational tactics of groups such as ANTIFA, harsher punishment for rioters, and the harshest possible punishments for criminal attacks on police. Yesterday President Trump additionally announced the launch of Operation Legend, a sustained, systematic, and coordinated law enforcement initiative across all federal law enforcement agencies working in conjunction with state and local law enforcement officials to fight the sudden surge of violent crime. I will continue to fight in Congress to ensure the President has the appropriate tools at his discretion to defend the nation and defend our god-given right to keep and bear arms.
Aiding Local Economic Development
This month I was honored to represent the City of Yuma to the Department of Commerce in support of the public works grant. Coronavirus has placed further strains on the economy and job hiring, however, Yuma and the Yuma Multiversity Campus Corp. are diligently working to leverage all existing local, state, and federal tools to adequately address hiring needs in its area. I applaud Yuma’s leadership for undertaking this initiative and am proud to fight on your behalf to ensure these resources are allocated to Arizona’s fourth Congressional district.
Gosar Ranked Most Effective House Republican
GovTrack, a nonpartisan and independent government watchdog, releases an annual ranking for the most effective members of Congress. In 2019, 6 of my bills were signed into law by President Trump, earning recognition as the most effective Republican House member and the second most effective member of the House regardless of party. I am truly honored to receive this recognition, and my productive record in Congress is made possible through representing the patriotic people of Arizona. The legislation I introduce represents local issues that cut through a Congress riddled with gridlock. This award shows that the Fourth District is in the business of governing, and I am truly honored to serve as your representative. I will continue to work hard to solve problems for Arizona and encourage constituents to contact my office about anything I may be able to assist with.
U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)
President Trump pledged to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). After more than a year of negotiations, a replacement took place yesterday: the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). I am proud to have worked with the President and his administration to renegotiate NAFTA. The USMCA is a significant improvement to NAFTA that will boost trade and our national economy. The U.S. International Trade Commission conservatively found that the USMCA will add more than 175,000 jobs. The UCMA also includes essential patent protections for U.S. inventors, adds more teeth to hold China accountable, better deals for Arizona farmers, and more. I will continue to work with President Trump and his administration to renegotiate better trade deals for America.
Food Safety and COVID-19
COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly from person to person through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person sneezes, coughs, or speaks. Currently, there is no evidence indicating the transmission of COVID-19 through food, according to U.S. and international public health agencies.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states “there is no evidence to suggest that handling food or consuming food is associated with COVID-19.” The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) states that the agency is “not aware of any reports at this time of human illnesses that suggest COVID-19 can be transmitted by food or food packaging.” While there may be the potential for transmission through contaminated surfaces—for example, if someone with an active infection coughs on packaging later touched by a non-infected person who then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth—the risk of such transmission is low, according to the CDC. To avoid transfer through contaminated surfaces, it is necessary to follow good hygiene practices.