February 10, 2025 5:06 pm
☼ Prescott eNews ☼

FY24 Pavement Repairs: Willow Creek Road from Delano Avenue to Rosser Street – Scheduled to Begin the Week of November 27, 2023

Map of construction area

The City of Prescott and their contractor, J. Banicki Construction, are set to begin the FY24 Pavement Repairs: Willow Creek Road Project the week of November 27. The project consists of removing and replacing the deteriorated asphalt along the southbound lanes of Willow Creek Road, between West Delano Avenue and just south of West Rosser Street. Following the completion of asphalt repairs, the roadway will be re-striped. Once complete, these improvements will extend pavement life and improve the road quality for Prescott motorists. The project is scheduled to be complete in early December.

Work may occur Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Please be aware of temporary detours, lane
closures, reduced speeds, loud noise and flagging operations throughout the work zone. Motorists are asked
to follow the marked signage to get to their destination. The City is dedicated to keeping the traveling public,
businesses and residents informed of potential construction impacts throughout the project.

Due to varying construction activity, the City of Prescott encourages you to visit
https://www.prescottroadconstruction.com for project information. For questions and additional project information, call the Project Hotline at (928) 237-3114


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