Republican Women of Black Canyon
Trump Thursdays will be celebrated in downtown Black Canyon City by waving flags and posters, talking with folks, and registering new voters. This event is for everyone, or representatives, of Yavapai County and its legislative districts. Y’all come to BCC to waive your flags.
When: Every Thursday except August 6
Where: Meet at 34450 S. old Black Canyon Hwy.
Questions: Contact Tillie McCarty, 740-221-3227
Citizens for America (“C4A”) held first Thursday of the month
In August, our guest speakers will be Yavapai County Republican’s Finance Committee chairman Hal Bray and Jeremiah Cota, Director of Strategic Initiatives for Trump Victory Arizona.
Chairman Hal Bray will speak on “Guns are how Civil Wars End, Politics are How They Begin”.
Jeremiah Cota will present how to broaden the coalition for Trump Victory. He will discuss with us how we might assertively include vets, women, Latinos, evangelicals, pro-lifers, and other simpatico voters to join us in reelecting this president.
When: Thursday, August 6, 2020
Time: 6:30 PM
Where: Canyon Trail Cowboy Church, 3132 White Bear Rd., Sedona
Cost: Admission is free. Enjoy desserts with us.
You know the rules: if you have a fever, thank you for staying home, use hand sanitizer, we will serve you ice cream in our own mass and with gloves (if you want it), and please wear a mask to the meeting as mayor Moriarty’s order still stands. Specifically, mass are mandated in the Sedona city limits if you are walking around inside a public building, or if you are not seated while eating or drinking. We will be meeting indoors, of course. It is our express intent to protect the church since they are so gracious to us.
Yavapai Republican Men’s Forum
YRMF is pleased to host President of the Arizona Senate Karen Fann, Arizona House of Representatives District 1 Steve Pierce and Noel Campbell. The topic is “Keeping AZ Red” and “Government Overreach during COVID”.
When: Monday, August 10, 2020
Time: Doors open at 10:30 AM, program and lunch is from 11:30 AM to 1 PM
Where: Prescott Resort located at 1500 East Hwy. 69
Questions: email us at or call John Tanzi 928-776-8116
Mingus Mountain Republican club (held second Tuesday of the month)
In August, Mingus Mountain is pleased to host Dr. Paul Gosar – Congressman, US House of Representatives, Arizona 4th Congressional District. Dr. Gosar is on the ballot for the August 4th Republican primary for the fourth Congressional District which represents all or portions of La Paz, Mohave, Yavapai, Yuma, Gila, Maricopa, and Pinal Counties. It stretches from the periphery of Phoenix to contain much of the rural western and northwestern portion of the state.
People aligned with any political ideology are invited to the Mingus mountain Republican club. Nonmembers are welcome to attend any of their informal luncheons.
When: Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Time: doors open at 11 AM, lunch which is optional is served at 1115, and meeting/programs begin at 11:30 AM. Lunch includes entrée, salad, dessert, and coffee or iced tea.
Where: Cottonwood VFW, Post #7400 at 705 E. Aspen St., Veterans Way, Cottonwood.
Cost: optional lunch is $12, no lunch venue fee is five dollars. Sodas are one dollar extra.
Please RSVP by email Friday, August 7 or call Carol at 928-301-2121.
Highway 69 Republican and Conservatives Club
Speaker: Primary winner for Supervisor talking about the new jail
When: August 11, 2020
Time: 5:30 PM to 7 PM
Where: Crystal Room at the Prescott Valley Public library, 7401 E. Skoog Blvd., Prescott Valley.
Questions: Contact Steve Irwin 928-710-8257 or
Republican Women of Prescott (RWOP)
RWOP is pleased to have president of the Arizona Senate, Karen Fann and Arizona State Treasurer, Kimberly Yee as our guests for the August 11 luncheon meeting.
When: Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Time: doors open at 10:30 AM. Lunch and program 11:30 AM to 1 PM.
Where: Prescott resort, 1500 East Hwy. 69, Prescott.
Cost: $20.00 per person but please note that luncheons are for RWOP membership only and not open to the general public. In keeping with the guidelines provided by the resort, the luncheon will be on a limited basis. THIS IS SOLD OUT. To be placed on the waiting list
Citizens Tax Committee (CTC)
Held 2nd Wednesday of the month.
When: Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Time: 1 PM
Where: The Adult Center of Prescott, 1280 East Rosser Street
Cost: Admission is free.
Conservatives for a Constitutional Republic (ConCR)
Held on the 4th Saturday of the month.
When: Saturday, August 22, 2020
Guest speaker will be Congressman Paul Gosar
Time: Doors open at 11AM. Meeting begins at 11:15pm – 1 PM
Where: VFW 2375 N 5th St Prescott Valley, AZ 86314 (928) 759-0095
Lunch can be ordered from the menu to help support the VFW.
Questions: Contact President Jim Dutton
Please note that ConCR is a private organization and not affiliated with any political party. Most members are affiliated with the Republican Party or are independents who lean conservative. All visitors must be solid Conservatives. Admission is free.
Please try to RSVP by August 19th
Yavapai Patriots
The speaker is Sheriff Richard Mack, Founder & President of Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers Association.
When: Saturday, August 22, 2020
Time: Optional buffet lunch ($12) starts at 12:00 PM, meeting and speaker begins at 1 PM
Where: Los Pinos Mexican Restaurant, 1245 White Spar Rd, Prescott
Reservations are REQUIRED for attendance. RSVP with your name and email address to by 8/19/2020. Prior notice is required for Lunch reservation (we need a head count for the food).
Yavapai County Republican Women (YCRW)
Held on the 4th Monday of the month.
YCRW will be hosting the President of the Arizona Senate, Karen Fann.
When: August 24, 2020
Where: Rowle P. Simmons Community Center (aka Adult Center of Prescott), 1280 East Rosser Street.
Time: 5:15 PM meet and greet, meeting will start at 5:45 PM.
Questions: Contact Mary Ann Suttles, 928-778-2975