April 16, 2024 5:43 AM

Flower Delivery Etiquette: 3 Things to Remember

Flowers are not just beautiful, delicate plants that help us see the wonders of life. They are also our trustworthy companions. Their complexity and allure charmed our simple cavemen’s minds, and continue to fascinate us even today. 


Plus, as the world evolved, we learned to use flowers in various ways, even building a special language that helped us better express emotions and put our feelings out there. And, while some things change with time, we still have to consider flower etiquette when we’re sending a bouquet to someone. 


Things like the occasion, our relationship with the receiver, and the overall message we want the bouquet to send must be considered. Of course, if you order your flowers from a specialist like Bouqs, you just have to specify these bits of information and they will guide you into creating the perfect floral arrangement. 


However, if you ever have to decide on which flowers to send and how without any specialized help, here are the most important aspects to remember:

#1: Colors & Types of Flowers

The same flower, but in a different color can send a different message. Let’s take roses as an example:

  • Red roses are for romantic situations (when you want to express your love and passion towards someone you love romantically);
  • White roses symbolize purity and innocence and can be offered as a sign of appreciation to a sibling, a parent, or even your romantic partner;
  • Yellow roses symbolize friendship and joy so they are great for when you want to make a friend feel welcome or when you want to offer a joyful gift to a close friend;
  • Pink roses are offered in a variety of situations such as a gift of admiration or gratitude (the darker shades) or for times of grief (the pale ones). 


The same is true with other types of flowers that come in a variation of colors, but if you’re in a pinch and don’t want to send the wrong message, you can always choose a multi-colored arrangement. This way, the receiver can interpret the message according to the situation or they would just be happy/grateful for receiving a beautiful bouquet.

#2: Be Mindful of the Occasion

Now that you know different types of flowers can send a different message, you have to adjust them to the occasion. 


Let’s say you want to send a bouquet to a friend in the hospital, wishing them an easy and fast recovery. In this case, you can send a few yellow roses (symbolizing hope and friendship) or you can choose a colorful bouquet made of several seasonal flowers that you know they will enjoy. 


If you’re sending the flowers to congratulate a young mother, choose flowers that don’t have much pollen to not trigger any allergies in the mother or the baby. Also, colorful, joyous flowers are perfect for this occasion. 

#3: Keep it Neutral

Nowadays people are not as knowledgeable when it comes to the messages sent by flowers and will usually be happy to receive them in a casual setting. However, when the situation is more formal (a wedding, a gift of admiration, or as congratulations for professional achievements) you have to be more careful. 


In these situations, it’s best to choose a neutral bouquet that includes various colors and types of flowers. If it’s an arrangement, make sure it fits the occasion and add a card where you write down your message. This way, it’s more difficult to misunderstand the meaning. 


Let’s take irises as an example – these gorgeous long-living perennial flowers are perfect for serious occasions since they are associated with royalty and wisdom (the purple ones). However, if you choose a different color, the message of admiration and respect may be a bit watered down. 

Key Takeaway

The language of flowers may not seem as important as it used to be, but it’s still fresh in our collective minds. That’s why we have to learn to appreciate the power of flowers and make sure we respect their meaning. 


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